Thomas Grosse
Notary and Attorney - Gerichtsstr. 47 - D-45355 Essen-Borbeck
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Thomas Grosse

Notary and Attorney
D-45355 Essen-Borbeck

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EU - Customs Authorities and cash



You violated EU Regulation 1889/2005!

Article 3: Obligation to declare
1. Any natural person entering or leaving the Community and carrying cash of a value of EUR 10 000 or more shall declare that sum to the competent authorities of the Member State through which he is entering or leaving the Community in accordance with this Regulation. The obligation to declare shall not have been fulfilled if the information provided is incorrect or incomplete.
2. The declaration referred to in paragraph 1 shall contain details of:
(a) the declarant, including full name, date and place of birth and nationality;
(b) the owner of the cash;
(c) the intended recipient of the cash;
(d) the amount and nature of the cash;
(e) the provenance and intended use of the cash;
(f) the transport route;
(g) the means of transport.
3. ...

According to German law, a fine occurs:

Customs Authorities Administration Act (Zollverwaltungsgesetz)
§ 31b Administrative Fines
(1) Improperly acts who with intent or negligently, violating Art. 3 par. 1. s. 1 or par. 2 of EG-Regulation No. 1889/2005 in conjunction with this act's sec. 12a par. 1. s. 1, declares an amount of cash, mentioned there, not, not correctly, not completely or not in time.
(2) The administrative offense may be punished with a fine up to one Million Euro.
(3) ...

You had to declare cash at your first airport stop in EU! Too little time between your arrival and your connecting flight is no exculpation. Travelling on to your final destination makes an omit irreparable. But if you did not omit the declaration intentionally, the most of the deposit will be released and refunded soon if you argue skillfully.
Ask me without delay.

Declaration form in English or German, Information sheets in German, English, French and Arabian.